Strategic Planning ... Finding YOUR plan.
“If you find you a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere.”
Frank A. Clark
“Doing Stuff” is NOT a Strategic Plan
Neither is ‘Doing the Wrong Things More Efficiently’
What is a Strategic Plan?
A strategic plan is simply a plan to reach an objective, the way you are going to get to a destination. It should clearly define ...
- Where you are going (Vision),
- Who is making the trip (Team),
- What path will take you there (Mission or Strategy Statement),
- How to deal with problems along the way (Issue Resolution), and
- How will you measure your progress (Goals).
Who should create the plan?
The strategic plan should be created by the people who …
- Understand the objective,
- Know the business,
- Are aware of the constraints, and
- Have accountability for the success of the plan.
The plan is best created by the group charged with its execution.
How can a group of people arrive at a single plan ... quickly?
- Our process utilizes a visual metaphor enabling group conceptual work. It helps people communicate ideas and quickly come to consensus.
- Predefined exercises help people quickly verbalize their ideas and develop a plan that reflects their shared expertise.
- Expert facilitation provides flexibility while keeping the group on track and moving forward.
- The entire process facilitates plan development, reporting, and communication.
Advantages of the Strategic Planning Process
- Speed. A structured process the work of each individual adds to the progress of the group, allowing you to complete the
the project in far less time than it would otherwise take.
- Quality. Having several people watching the plan build, each looking at it from their own unique perspective, helps ensure
nothing is overlooked.
- Buy-in. When the people who have to execute the plan are the ones who built it, the level of commitment skyrockets.
- Strengthens the group. The process helps each person understand everyone else's role, and gives a new appreciation for
other members of the group.